Friday, December 01, 2006

muthus are.... well, muthus... !!!11

today, i walked out to a shop near my house to photostat more leaflets for TS. on the way back, a lorry of muths stopped in front of me and started calling me AH MOI.. wth? i'm not from China, u muthus... and i certainly don't look like one. look at yourself in the mirror first lah, you bimbotic muthus.......!!!!!!! but.. wait, bimbo is not a right word for them since they are not attractive.. so i shall rearrange the sentence again.. look at yourself in the mirror first lah, you bimbotic ugly + dumb + idiotic muthus.......!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

what's a muthu?

Joanne Lee said...

er.. muthu is u know those indian guys.. those gatal gatal wan.. everytime see girl call ah moi wan.. tht one is muthu...